teen spot.
A Place For Pre-Teens & Teenagers
Explore. Learn. Grow.
Is your teenager changing before your eyes? Is your child pushing you away more than usual? Or spending more and more time alone? Are you noticing moodiness and irritability that makes you worry? Adolescence is a difficult time. Children become more independent and grow into adults. Parents try to find the right balance between helping and letting go. Add hormonal changes, increased responsibility, and impending adulthood to the mix. Toss in a little (I mean, a lot) of social stress and you have a powder keg of emotions and teen angst.
Young people are ill-equipped to manage the intensity of their experiences. It's actually one of the jobs teens have, to learn who they are and how to navigate the world while managing their emotions in a mature manner. They are still learning how to feel without becoming overwhelmed. Some teens need more help figuring this out and some teens need less to help them through this tumultuous time in their lives. Teens are often grateful to have a therapist or counselor to help them over hurdles and through hard times.