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A Safe Place For Seniors

Feeling lost and alone? Like you have no say or control over your life? Angry at your mind and body for changing? Looking for a sense of purpose? Individual therapy is a safe place to explore the changes in yourself and the world around you so that you can remain as independent as possible. Elderly depression and anxiety can manifest differently as we age, and may look like irritability, anger and confusion. Geriatric depression can also cause significant memory changes and deficits, impairing functioning. 


A Place For You. To Be You.

This is a place for you to share your wisdom, explore your capabilities and maintain your sense of independence. Have you noticed changes that make you nervous? Lose your keys a lot? Have trouble recalling the names of things? Get lost easily? Forget to pay a bill? Mix up your medications? Missed some doctor appointments? Feeling angry or irritable for no reason? Wishing you had a purpose? Individual Therapy for geriatric anxiety and depression can improve your mood, memory and quality of life.

Pebble Beach
Individual sessions
Image by Ricardo Gomez Angel


Noticing changes in your mom or dad? Afraid to leave them alone? Worried about slow progress? We can help.

Determine your loved one's abilities and how to maintain their independence for as long as possible. Meetings are tailored to each family's need and may include sessions with and without your loved one for assessment and treatment planning.

Family consultation


Dementia Screening

Noticing changes in your elder? Forgetfulness, changes in personality, increased irritability, trouble finding words, getting lost, not able to stay on top of things? Let's identify strengths, deficits, provide treatment and plan for the future. Assessments range from brief screenings to comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations dependent upon medical necessity.

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